Veterans In The Ring
Free Gym Admission For U.S. Military Veterans.
Veteran Bruce Silverglade created this program because he "just wanted to give back to the Veteran community." After being cleared by their physicians at VA, veterans are welcome to come train at Gleason's.
Medical Clearance Required To Participate in VA Adaptive Sports Programs
To obtain medical clearance, contact Jonathan Glasberg, Department of Veteran Affairs, VA Hospital NYC 212-686-7500 X 7779 or jonathan.glasberg@va.gov - He will arrange for a VA physician to write a note and have it placed in your electronic medical record.
The note title must be:
“Adaptive Sports Medical Clearance Note”
Medical clearance with this note lasts for 1 full year.
Once this form is presented to Gleason’s Gym, the veteran will be given free complementary membership, training is not included and can be arranged privately with a Gleason's trainer.

Veterans Guide
Luke Daniels
Veterans In The Ring - Oct. 5, 2019